Sunday, July 7, 2024

Camp Bob-o 2024

We came to MO by way of St. Louis and stayed at Trenton's apartment which is now already out of date as he moved the week after our visit. We did manage to leave our mark on the garage but thankfully little else. We decided to bring Nox and he did pretty great. Since returning he has chewed up a dozen things and had several accidents, but nary one in Missouri. We saw the Arch, visited Trenton's favorite park, caught lightening bugs, went to the zoo, and met Kristen's new(ish) baby. He is chill and adorable and his big brother is a trip! So fun to actually get to see the personalities behind the pictures! Then we stopped in Union to have dinner with Annie on the way to Branson.



We had a few days before Conn's crew arrived. We packed in a butterfly house (loved the mirror maze), a bead store and bracelet making, and the Dolly Stampede with Shelly.


I bought a darling life vest for Nox that he did not need in the least. He warmed up a bit to the water while we were there. I think he would have done better with a clearer exit strategy. We tubed and swam and boated. The boys spent their days accosting Trevor. A few rounds of Throw Rory's Lion on the Fan were had with Mr. Roebke in between games of Spider Solitaire.


We went on another family float trip. Our ride to and from the river was just as dodgy as last year only this year we had an in-house transport. This is how the orange kayak rode on the way the way there. The green one wasn't so lucky on the way home. At one point a fellow driver reported to us that our ropes were dragging, but on we drove. Trevor's text to Jane reported a stress level 10 out of 10 which was pretty accurate. No one died and the river was lovely.

Silas tried to hang with the hearts players even with constant yelling and berating. He held up better than I would have. Aunt Jan, Doug, and Andrew came for the 4th.

Doll-doll and Shelly came for pizza on the green egg. Trenton set up a Survivor game that we filmed. He is going to try to make episodes! I went to rocks at the first tribal council but it worked out because although my challenge skills were lacking, I made it to final 3. Rory was my ride-or-die. Unfortunately those fools let Trevor make it to the end where he dropped his surfer facade and revealed he was in fact... a lawyer! Guess who won.

The end of the fun has a silver lining because we are bringing Skylar home for Camp Jess!

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