Sunday, June 30, 2024


We started the month in Starr while Daron was in Canada for work. The boys went to VBS. Rory got sent home the first day for crying after he got split up from Lizzy. They were going to let him join her when he got upset so I asked him on the way home why he didn't just do that if it was what he wanted. He waited awhile and then said, "How would you feel if you had to go in after everything was started and say, Hi, I'm Rory." I guess he had a point. Silas loved VBS because he was with Lacy and the other 4th graders and had a grand time dominating all the games with a two year age advantage. I was in charge of drop-off one day and Lacy was navigating. She told me to look for the King Kong sign as a marker. I thought this was hilarious because the "King Kong" sign was right next to sign pointing the way to the actual place we were going.

We were also reunited with some of our old chicken gang and Nox made new friends.




  • We got Nox's DNA test back. He is 15 breeds, with the top ones being Pit Bull, Australian Shepard, Miniature American Shepard, and Chow Chow.  
  • The neighbors let us share in their blueberry bounty. 
  • A friend gave Rory and I tickets to Shrek the Musical. 
  • We got to meet one of my favorite illustrators, Matthew Cordell, through our library. 
  • We visited Hannah's new country club job in Summerville and saw Auntie Conn. 
  • We also met baby Jack!


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