Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Skylar came home with us from Missouri! We used the week to try our best at being fun hosts and to clear our summer bucket list. We went to Surge, Neptune Island, a pottery class, skating, the drive-in, and Charlotte for the Cheesecake Factory. We also thought we were going there to catch Skylar's flight home, but it turns out that was in Columbia. Oops.


Rory went to an art camp that the art teacher at his new school puts on at her house in the summer. I almost had to drag him out of the car the first day, but he ended up enjoying it.

Silas went to orchestra camp. They put on an adorable little concert at the end of the week. Especially since his group had 12 hours of playing in their lifetime under their belts.

Trevor visited! We went to a new restaurant where you have to cook your own food. Pretty fun, even if the chefs were dodgy. Trevor ate octopus that wriggled like they were alive on the grill. 

We had Harry Potter part 2 with the Olivers. They all came in costume! It was fun to be more low key with it. Lucas told me I was too tall as Flitwick during charms, so I had to teach from my knees.

Now it is back to school for me, while the boys enjoy a few last days of laying like broccoli. 

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