Tuesday, March 31, 2020


This month started out well.
Saw Trenton in Greenville for the SEC Women's championship.

Celebrated Lizzy! Cool capes from Julianna!

Hannah and Auntie Conn swung in for spring break.

First lost tooth!

Sleepover with the cousins and Meemaw.

No one in 2020 needs to be informed of the rest, but for future readership, the entire world entered pandemic shutdown. Now all bets are on for when we will have any interactions of note outside our humble abode. We are working/schooling from home and not to make light of the situation, but I feel a little like Esther in that Daron and I may have been created for a time such as this. I am sad about missing Gigi's visit and Trevor's graduation. We are currently on week three. Some days are better than others but as a silver lining, I think there has been a kind of beautiful unity amidst the "social distancing". We now find joy in playing Guess Who on Zoom and trying to make all our faces change color at the same time with Facebook filters. Most days I fail to get dressed and watch copious amounts of television, however on one productive high I did start both a family yoga and book club. We will see how far those carry us.

I've never been so glad as when the daily shadow measuring project ended.