Tuesday, April 16, 2024


The second half of spring break we spent on a mini vacation to Tennessee. We had considered DC but it was intimidating and expensive. My folks met us there and we did all the touristy things it had to offer. It was probably torture for Dad who hates heights and was finishing off a bout with vertigo. The Epley Maneuver has never been attempted so many times in a vacation rental.

Ruby Falls- This was the favorite of the grown-ups. 


Rock City- They had this sign when you walked in. At first I was insulted. They kind of broke their own rule by adding the garish glowing nursery rhyme scenes at the end. All attempts at art look pretty silly next to creation. The view and rock formations were really cool. This was the favorite of the kids.



Incline Mountain Railroad- Underwhelming. Also, accidentally paid twice because I am an idiot.

Cloudland Canyon State Park- Very pretty. Terrible map. We definitely got lost.

We stayed in a "treehouse" that was really just a tiny house on stilts with branches hung on the walls as decor. It was cute enough though. It had an outdoor shower and was pretty high so as to feel very connected to the neighborhood squirrels. Rory lost his other front tooth!


Wednesday, April 3, 2024


We hatched eggs from Julianna's hens. It was so fun! Highly recommend. Unfortunately as many times as I Google it, the city and neighborhood restrictions for chicken coops don't change. They will be heading back to the farm when they get feathers in a few weeks, but they are so sweet to have while they are here. After the bunnies, I needed a win and was thrilled that once I removed the non-developers after candling at week 1, all 14 of the remaining eggs hatched a lovely chick! Please note, we collected the eggs on the muddiest day of the year.

This was our first one out on Easter evening! Glory! and then Rochelle!

Then the next morning, nine were out! I think we saw 4 actually hatch in total.

Here is the whole line up...

Raven is our favorite, but I think Wren is and will grow up to be the prettiest. I also love Jasmine (Last out of the big green egg!)...and Ramona...and Pepper...and Glory...and...
We have some kind of meat birds with feathered feet (the 4 yellow ladies and Jasmine), Silkies (Wren, Rochelle, and Michelle) Polish ones (3, with the big foreheads), one Serama (Raven), and two Showgirls with naked necks (Sondra and Ducky). I am pretending they are all girls (even though there is no way to know), because I don't think non-layers last as long in the chicken world. All except Romeo, who I didn't name. I loved the whole experience!

Sunday, March 31, 2024


Elizabeth and I visited Laura and got to help set up Tatum's new big girl room! We also got to celebrate Lizzy's birthday.

I tried to save a litter of baby bunnies and failed. There were tiny and soft and precious and died one by one. I couldn't get them to eat and I think they all got pneumonia. Depressing.  

Nothing says "Jesus Rose!" like weapons in your Easter basket. Katana of the spirit?? My friend, Megan sent a video of her and her daughter performing in church and it was so sweet seeing her worship with her family. I was thinking...my kids probably don't even know a single worship song because we are not too musically inclined and I like a quiet car mostly. Then we went to the early service on Easter and there was no kids' ministry so they came to big church with us. I am pretty sure that it was as close as we are getting to formal family worship for awhile, but its fractional comparison still felt nice. Then we got to see Wes and Allison's new house. Seems perfect for them!

We all picked something to do for our home days of spring break. I picked shopping which no one loved. I made the boys a photo scavenger hunt to keep them busy. This is their submission for "a selfie hugging". I guess I'll count it. Rory picked skating. Sitting at the skate rink did not seem like fun and no one made me a scavenger hunt, so we put a disco ball in the garage and played music and did the dice game. Daron cringed every time someone clanged into the garage door, but I think it was a success. Daron chose disc golf. Silas chose a trip to Party City which was very disappointing because he was picturing their stock like it was at Halloween, not the current Easter offerings.

Hitting publish to the hodge-podgiest post ever.