Friday, June 14, 2024


We got a dog! Everyone that finds out keeps asking "What happened to Daron?!?" who was our no pet hold-out. I wore him down, that's what! First my nagging got him to say, "You can do whatever you want." This was clearly not good enough so step two was to pull the "we're a team" card and get him to be on board himself. He talks a big game and I guess he did hold out for 14 years, but he ended up coming around nicely and I think he is just as much a fan of our dear Nox as anyone. I just felt like the boys needed a dog as part of their childhood and I thought it would be good to get me out on walks and speaking to neighbors and general mental/physical health things. 

When I was gaining ground I Googled "What is the laziest dog?" (for good cuddling) and came up with a whippet. This breed had several things in its favor... couch potato... no grooming... size...I think they are cute and unique. It also had a few drawbacks...running 35 miles per hour... strong prey drive... jumping over our short fence. I contacted a lady about one and she said she had someone coming to look at their last puppy but if they didn't take it then she thought it would be a good fit for our family. I was on the fence and kind of hoping she would come back with a no. There are draw backs with a dog and I was still nervous. Who will watch him when we are away? Will he bark and jump and lick friends? Will our house smell? Should I be paying 1,200 dollars?

Waiting to hear my fate about the whippet, I kept browsing. We were going to stay with Julianna the week after school let out and there is a shelter by her we have visited before. I decided to see what they had. Then I saw Nox and had no more reservations because I just felt like he was our dog. I texted Julianna at like 10:00 PM to see if she would go get him because I had one day of work left and was worried someone else would scoop him up. She went when they opened the next day and reserved him and the boys and I drove to get him right after getting out of school on the last day! It was kind of perfect. He was kind of perfect. He is sweet and gentle and soft and cute and great in his crate and friendly to everyone. We are working on house training but he can already sit and lay and wait for food, and shake and fetch toys (but not bring them back). Speaking of toys he has given me a whole new genre of shopping possibilities! As he is getting used to things he is getting a bit onerier and doesn't necessarily do what you say unless food is involved, but I wouldn't think twice about it if he hadn't been such a dream on the honeymoon phase. He digs a bit and smells a bit and has not got leash walking down yet. Also, I don't care because I am a happy dog owner. 

We named him Nox because it is a spell in Harry Potter and a character in Fox and Socks which Rory has been enjoying rapping. Rory has been very into snuggling him and Silas has been into the responsibility and care giving. He has made a fan of pretty much everyone he has met and we have had zero chew casualties so far. (The Monday night crew will be the hardest sell.) The vet thinks he is 6 months old and we got a DNA test to see what his breed is because no one has a clue. I wouldn't be surprised if it came back part hyena. Here is us picking him up and his shelter photo. What is with the name Blair? Is that ever a boy's name? Also, his first vet appointment, glamour shot, and his Harry Potter Bark box! He is a Hufflepuff!


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