Sunday, June 18, 2023


We went to see my sister's new house in Rockwall. Poor Daron, I left him on both the week of our anniversary and Rory's birthday. We barely made it home for Father's Day! 

When we got there there was crazy hail! Then it proceeded to be rainy most of the week, but that didn't keep us from enjoying her oasis! 

It was VBS week for the big kids (as volunteers) and Silas tried it out on Monday. Rory was a no from the get-go. There were 4,000 children there! (my personal nightmare.) Gigi and Mr. Roebke visited the rest of the week so we decided to stay with them after that. 

We went to a peach orchard, saw Malachi's impressive customer service at Brahms, watched Eli win all his races at a swim meet, went to Buck-ee's, bowled, and got swim lessons from Skylar. Silas learned to dive!

My sister got us reservations at a new Speak Easy in town where they don't send you the address until the day of and you have to have a password to get in. There was a cover coffee shop you entered, gave your password (Forever Amber- I am assuming they change it every night.) and then they open up a secret door to the restaurant. It was all 20sy with a strict dress code. We ordered bruschetta and they put two giant cow bones on our table to scrape the bone marrow out and wipe on our toast. We convinced no one we knew what we were doing. There might have been condensation dripping off the overhead pipes onto our Wagyu steak, but overall, very fun.

We found a crawdad in the pool one day and thought it was so bizarre until we learned that Conn has "lawn lobsters". Apparently they dig down to the water table and then can just live in your yard.  Who knew! Turns out we should have put him in the grass instead of back in the pool where he sadly perished.

Our mornings were mostly spent conversing about the health and safety of Bob (the pool vacuum), our afternoons for outings, and our evenings for sipping Italian sodas. Our last day we crashed the VBS volunteer water park night. Hawaiian Waters is an upscale Neptune Island. Rory stuck mostly with the lazy river but did the racing slides and a tube one with Auntie Conn. Silas tried some scary looking stuff.


I will keep this post upbeat and not mention the basketball goal that fell on my car or my speeding ticket. It was nice to get to say "see you in a few weeks" at our departure!

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