Saturday, January 2, 2016


We made our bi-yearly pilgrimage home for the holidays(ish).  As always it was a fun and food filled time with my favorite people. Here are the highlights.
  • On Sunday Silas was a car riding champion and made barely a peep except to point at every gas station and ask "Missouri?"  
  • On Monday we attended the Blue and Gold Tournament to see one Trevor Roebke dominate the court with 17 points including an and-one shot with seconds remaining to win the game.  There were subsequent news articles and t.v. broadcasts declaring his fame. (Not even a lie.)  So we enjoyed spending the rest of our time in the presence of greatness. 

  • On Tuesday we enjoyed a light dusting of snow and ventured to the lake to rescue the dock and  then on to Table Rock Dam to see a record amount of water flowing through the gates after all this rain.  There was also more basketball and dinner at Nakato where the manners of my nephews were beyond compare and quite entertaining. Trevor is not only effective on the court but also in the realms of child manipulation.

  • On Wednesday we dined with Grandma Cain, opened stockings, cheered on the Indians, selected prom date hopefuls, and watched the premiere of this sequel I have been waiting on for what seems like years!  Trenton Roebke: He can weld, he can play the ukulele, and he can make movie magic! For real my brothers are the coolest!

  • On Thursday, we went to an escape room.  Turns out those are super fun, plus we made it out! It helped that we had about 47 hints.  We also spent the evening ringing in the new year dead asleep.  
Why I bought this ill-fitted shirt is a mystery in and of itself.
  • Friday was our drive home and the end of our lovely vacation and subsequently this post.

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