Thursday, May 16, 2024

Banks Wedding

Hannah got married! She was literally the most beautiful person I have ever seen. The wedding had it all: sweet vows, lovely signage, popsicles, a choreographed father-daughter dance, Chipotle, family from far away, and a beach party. 

Here are some amusing tales from the weekend...


Hannah's in-laws were on the show Love It Or List It several years ago.  As any nosy family should, the episode has been screened by most of our side. A favorite part is the best friend/neighbor of Mr. Banks that was highlighted in several scenes playing catch with a football. He was touted as a big reason they didn't want to move, so we thought with that status there was a good chance we could get a glimpse of him at the wedding. After staking out the candidates for "Brian", Conn meets us in a parking lot huddle to reveal an update she had uncovered...the real Brian WASN'T EVEN FILMED and they had a stand in for the episode! (Greg!) What a farce we had been living. This was all brought to light at the rehearsal dinner where Daron was absent on kid duty. Trenton asked that we take a vow of secrecy so that he could go on thinking about Brian in ignorant bliss. Daron was eventually informed and with much shock he has come to deal with the lie we had all been believing. This is the real Brian and Trenton breaking the news.

Please Take One

Here is the longest story about cheese you've ever heard. My personal wedding saga centered around the hors d'oeuvres. In my desperate "Love me!" fashion I was happy to take on a task of some importance. Unfortunately, there were many missteps. We were going for a salami and cheese skewer in a paper French fry cup. Initially I thought the cup would show the grease because we could see spots on the outside after the first sample was made. Hence the purchase of 100 feet of parchment paper to be cut into circles. Attempt two revealed that parchment was unnecessary because the inside of the cup was wax lined and we had just touched the outside with greasy fingers. I wanted to wait until the morning of the wedding to prep so nothing would dry out. This had us on a time crunch. I awoke at 6 am to be ready for the 11:00 deadline. The next issue that arose was that the Colby cheese rounds were all stuck together and peeling them apart resulted in them no longer being round. Jane and I went to Publix and got the only round cheese they had...provolone. Back at the house the next problem was that the provolone was too stiff and would not succumb to the fork floret roll. The salami rolled lovely so we just chopped off the sides of the cheese, making squares that we arranged in a fan. (I now have 4 bags of cheese sides in my refrigerator.) We were moving along nicely until the salami ran out at only about 70 of the 200 skewers I was supposed to be making. There may have been some pilfering earlier (Mr. Roebke), but I  don't think it made that much of a difference. We had no car to get back to Publix so Trenton and Dad came in with the save, stopping on the way back from getting the keg. They rolled in at 10:00 where we made another 70 before we headed to the venue. Not quite 200 but there were 8 left over so I think it was about perfect. All hands on deck filled the cups with the skewers and crackers and it was quite presentable! Whew. I am sure those hors d'oeuvres will be a thing of lasting importance in the Banks' married life.

In more concise fashion...

Would it really be a Roebke affair without some sort of catastrophe? I think one missing car key and lock smith visit should do the trick.

On the way to the piano bar on Saturday, we were pulling up to the parking garage when I get a text from Conn saying, "Just tell them you are with Nathan and they will let you in." So I roll down my window and say to the attendant, "We are with Nathan."  This of course means nothing to her because Conn was talking about the bar, not the garage. I sheepishly paid my money and entered. Much amusement was also had by Uncle Steve's selection of "Battle Hymn of the Republic" as a song request.

On Sunday, we had some down time, so we wandered about the shops looking for this specific beach toy that you throw in the waves and it surfs back to you. I always want one when I am at the ocean, but at no other time, hence I never purchase it to have while at the ocean. After about 10 shops we were coming down the last stretch with one final place to look. As a Mother's Day miracle, Bali Bobbi was there for the taking! (purchasing)

The rehearsal dinner was on a boat and we got to sit at the cool kids' table playing Chameleon with the Merrill kids and brothers. I enjoyed the reference list, my meal, and being new besties with the mother of the groom, Anna Wade, who I really do love. Skylar had an old man that wasn't even part of our wedding party ask for her number so he could send her a picture he took of her on the deck. I mean, he might have been sweet, but no. I had him send it to me. I am sure he was disappointed. It wasn't even good enough to make the blog. Ha!


When Daron dropped me off at the wedding to set up the food, he took the car to Conn's beach house about a half mile down the street in order to free up parking. I was busy prepping and it seemed to me that he was back in an instant asking if I wanted my sunglasses. This lead me to believe he had just decided to park at the event. When all the meat and cheese was out, I asked him to take the coolers back to the car. He is an amazing husband because he didn't even balk and away the coolers went. About 10 minutes later I am trying to summon him and call asking where he is...he is walking the mile with the coolers to the car which he had indeed parked at Conn's. He was a bit blistered and salty on the return. I was just picturing him going to the parking lot. I still feel pretty bad about that one.

Hannah's new poodle, Nova, was part of the wedding party and sat by me on the front row. I think it was her first time on the beach and she was having the time of her life digging under my chair leg so that I kept tipping at a more and more dangerous angle during the ceremony. Kind of hilarious.

Some people went on a fishing expedition (not me) but their boat drove right by us while the kids were swimming in the freezing pool.

I don't know why I didn't expect it, but the weekend felt like we were in turbo mode the whole time. I am sure all weddings have a touch of chaos with so many details and moving pieces. Everything turned out nicely and now that we are past all the stress, I think it was a really beautiful time with lots of memories made celebrating Hannah. Also, my boys were angels. I am so glad I come from a family that always shows up! 

Here's to the happy couple! 

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