Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Silas Turns 8

Silas enjoyed a three-fold celebration this year. On his actual birthday we went to an archery range, which was super fun. As a friend celebration we took Merritt and his big kid pals to a wizard escape room. I don't know if it had just been a long time or if this was the coolest room ever, but I was impressed. Then we had a Greek gods party (Dad is reading him Percy Jackson) with the Hofts (and cake making neighbors). The kids decorated shields and followed clues from each god on a quest ending in battling a mythological creature. This was actually rather hard because they had to shoot them with a pretty iffy homemade bow and arrow. (Opening presents first could have alleviated this problem.) Defeating their beast, the fates then revealed to which god they belonged. I probably should have made it "the one true God" for everyone, but I stayed on theme assigning them to Artemis, Athena, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus. The cousins spent the night, watched Hercules, and played hours of Mario Kart. This is how I babysit. Happy #8 kiddo of my dreams!

1 comment:

  1. You're still the most creative person I know! I love all of the elements of the party, but my fav has to be the curtains-turned-columns. They look so legit!
