Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Moganton, GA

It was time for our yearly Labor Day mountain trip with the fam. We went to the tiny town of Morganton, Georgia. Minus the curviest road ever, it was a great spot. We did a good bit of hiking and waterfall viewing. We also ventured into Helen, which was toasty and crowded but certainly unique with it's German flair. We also went to Blue Ridge to ride the train. It rained while we finished off the day eating in a Mexican restaurant there. This is pretty much my ideal scenario. The boys loved the air hockey and shuffle board at the cabin. I loved the swingy chairs. Nox loved chewing up Logan's shoe strings. Returning to the real world was extra painful. Daron had to fix a flat tire on the way home and then we forgot our key and were locked out of the house. We survived and would do it again! Look at all these dreamy cousin shots! They didn't even complain!



We have a new SC family resident! My cousin Mary just bought a house in Lexington. She was a fun house guest for a few days while everything closed.

Silas and Rory had a 2 night sleep over with the cousins. This included Silas's actual birthday. It was a bit weird not seeing him, but they went swimming and had spaghetti, so I think he did not miss me.

The boys both started their new schools. Day 1 had a delayed start because of a hurricane (drizzle) and Day 2 was canceled completely. Still, I think it will be a great year. I am mildly obsessed with Rory's teacher and class. We went to the open house and everyone was nicer than you would believe in their new dreamy building. His sweet, over-the-top organized teacher had made beaded name keychains for every kid. I got 4 hugs and had 3 good conversations with prior strangers. This is basically a miracle if you know me at all. Ms. Zeigler emailed me that he cried the first morning but got it together and was fine. I also got 2 pictures. Silas seemed to have a good day too. I am so proud of him for stepping up for whatever presents itself. His only complaint was they played a name game in math and he was last so he had to name everyone and froze up completely. He was also legit mad at me for making him brush his hair. Sadly, middle school teachers do not send pictures.